French Canadian Centre hosts intimate night of French culture


A  good sized  all ages crowd enjoyed a taste of French culture at the  The French Canadian Centre aka  L’ACFA Régionale de Lethbridge/Medicine Barobliq telling stories and p;aying songs at the French Canadian Centre. Photo by Richard AmeryHat, Nov. 10 — the Coup de Couer francophone 2011.

 The event featured speeches and performers  Patrick Dunn, aka Barobliq and  Marie -Phillipe Bergeron.

 While I couldn’t stay for the whole show, I caught a few upbeat French numbers from Barobliq, who laid his acoustic guitar on his lap and plucked it Jeff Healey style.

 He sang in an appealing tenor voice and got the crowd, including young children to adults, all singing along and whistling like the wind.

— By Richard Amery L.A. Beat Editor
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