Swollen Members and La Coka Nostra supply intense rap


I’m not the biggest rap fan in the world, but could not resist checking out a high energy  performance by the Swollen Members and La Coka Nostra at the Stone, Jan. 27.The Swollen Members hyped up the crowd, at the Stone, Jan. 27. Photo by Richard Amery
 I arrived mid-way through  the Swollen Members’ set. The Vancouver rappers had the massive crowd frothing in front of the stage. Mad Child was giving it his all, pumping up the crowd and getting them to “jump, jump, jump.” One of the fans jumped off the stage and into the crowd, attempting to crowd surf.

 The crowd shouted along with their favourites throughout the energetic set.

La Coka Nostra. photo by Richard Amery
Hardcore rappers La Coka Nostra, stalked onto the stage clad in identical black winter jackets, shirts and black toques emblazoned with “Bounty Hunter.”  Slaine’s toque had “Death” written on it. They got the crowd even more pumped up, as they shouted back the lyrics and raised their hands in the air at Slaine’s exhortation.  

 I couldn’t make out a lot of the lyrics in the echoing room, but  could tell how much the crowd was into the performance.
 They kept the energy levels high well past 1 a.m.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Friday, 10 February 2012 01:32 )