Lustre Creame and DIRT celebrate the end of the world


The end of the world passed without incident, Dec. 21, however a new band made their debut  at the Slice  alongside progressive rock trio Lustre Creame and Toques and Beards.DIRT debuted at the Slice, Dec. 21. Photo by Richard Amery

DIRT, the new stoner rock/ down-tuned post grunge  trio from guitarist / vocalist Jon Brooks played a solid set of Kyuss meets garage rock inspired , sludgy riff based rock.

 Brooks,  who had tuned his guitar down to C played big, loud plodding, classic rock / grunge era inspired riffs, and sang spooky vocals through a microphone soaked in delay.

 Drummer Garwin Poff was a thunderous blur throughout the set, while the bassist played plodding riffs along with them.

 They ended their set with  with a surreal version of “Inna Gadda da Vida.”

Lethbridge progressive rock trio Lustre Creame was up next with their usual set of intricate guitar and bass riffs and extended jams backed by Chris Lipinski’s tremendous drumming, which shredded his bass drum skin, though he didn’t seem to notice.
 Unfortunately I missed Toques and Beards.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Friday, 11 January 2013 13:26 )