Penitentz and Death Pledge play for U of L headbangers


The University of Lethbridge Headbangers Association didn’t have a lot of people in the Student’s Union Ballroom, March 23, but they made up for it with enthusiasm.

 While I missed the Ruby Plumes’ opening set, I arrived in the middle of an intense set by Penitentz, a Southern Alberta metal band. Penitentz played a  strong, albeit muddy sounding set of guitar heavy and bass heavy metal including originals and a cover of what sounded like Pantera’s “Walk” as well as a Ministry cover. By the end of the show Death Pledge guitarist Dana Beauchemin concentrates as he plays a riff. Photo By Richard Amerya few of the 20 some peoPenitentz playing metal. Photo by Richard Ameryple in the audience had started a mosh pit while others were shaking heads of long hair.
Death Pledge  took some time to set up, but the audience waited patiently in the silence.

They finally took the stage with guitarist Dana Beauchemin’s  wah wah pedal drenched original called “Turn,” then played a lot more originals.
 Lead singer Phil Sirias had an impressive  voice,  alternating between ear piercing shrieks and  unearthly growls.
 There was a lot of head banging from the audience in front of the stage for a Slipknot cover, then they went back to high energy, intense originals.

 — By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 March 2013 15:53 )