Polyjesters add a touch of fun to Lethbridge Jazz Festival


One of the main shows I wanted to catch for the Lethbridge Jazz Festival was the Polyjesters at Owl Acoustic Lounge, June 13.Sheldon Valleau showing of his ukulele skills. Photo by Richard Amery
 They always provide plenty of good natured fun, but also have some  substantial musical chops.

 They entertained a good natured full house with catchy, quirky originals and obscure jazz and blues classics.

 Stand up bassist Jason Valleau and his brother Sheldon, playing ukulele took turns singing lead vocals as well.

 Jason Valleau imitated a trumpet very accurately on a set ending version of  “ What a Wonderful World.”

Polyjesters stand up bassist Jason Valleau. Photo by Richard AmeryIn between that they “tossed a lot of balls into the air” according to Jason Valleau, by adding some disco into their set to appeal to an audience which featured people of all ages from the very old to the young.

 Their guitarist also had substantial chops. His guitar imitated a violin in places so convincingly that I had to check to see if there was, in fact, a violin somewhere on stage.

They were amazing as always for their second consecutive jazz festival appearance.

— by Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 25 June 2014 10:31 )