F&M play haunting set of exotic music inspired by Portugal


 You never know what will fill the Owl Acoustic Lounge. I though most people would be  at Jr. Gone Wild at the Slice, but most music lovers packed into the Owl for fellow Edmontonian’s  F&M’s brand of laid back, ambient folk rock.F&M playing the Owl, Sept. 5, 2015. Photo by Richard Amery

 They played plenty of haunting, exotic melodies as husband and wife  Ryan and Becky Anderson took turns singing lead vocals for individual songs and verses of the same song. Becky Anderson played a quite a bit of piano when she wasn’t centre stage harmonizing with her husband an strumming acoustic guitar. 

They sounded a little like Twilight Hotel. Bryan Reichert sat in the shadows playing lead guitar.

 They had plenty of sweet love songs and more intellectual material about Russian literature.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 September 2015 13:24 )