Hatrix theatre presents comedy-mystery The Gazebo


The Hat is back in Lethbridge.
 Hatrix Theatre, a new theatre company which has their roots in Medicine Hat, is bringing the comedy-murder mystery ‘ the Gazebo’ to the Moose Hall, Oct. 20-22.

“ It’s a comedic murder mystery about a man who writes murder mysteries, who  finds out his wife is being blackmailed  for something she did when she was younger. So he decides the best way to deal with the blackmailer is to bump him off ,” explained director Karoline Harker.

“ It’s called the gazebo because they bought a new gazebo and he thinks the best idea of disposing of the blackmailer’s body is to bury him in the foundation of the new gazebo, but everything goes wrong, which is where the comedy ensues,” she said.

 She has directed Alec Coppel’s The Gazebo before, but is glad to be doing it again in Lethbridge at the Moose Hall with the cast of 10.

“ We have our roots in Medicine Hat, which is why we call ourselves Hatrix, but we’ve picked up some lovely people in Lethbridge. And Playgoers of Lethbridge and  Lethbridge Musical Theatre have been very co-operative by lending us props and things,” she continued.

 The group has performed two full length plays as well as several one act plays and are working out of the Moose Hall.

“The highlight has just been working with all of these great people who have been so generous with their time,” Harker said.

Tickets are almost sold out, there are a few of the $10 tickets left for tonight’s show  and Saturday’s show, though Friday is all but sold out. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door or by calling Brian Quinn at 403-315-9816

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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