Barracuda Orchestre show their “history” at the Bowman Arts Centre


Over at the Bowman Arts Centre,  March 5, Sonis McAllister and the Barracuda Orchestre showed a bit of their history and entertained the crowd with wild experimentation and a touch of blues and jazz.Sonis McAllister and the Barracuda Orchestre at the Bowman Arts Centre. Photo by Richard Amery

 One of the exhibitions opening upstairs featured a few “artifacts” from the band including samples of their tour diary, an unusual sculpture, a gold record, old tour posters and a lot more.

 Downstairs in the dance studio, the band  dressed in white,  rapped out cacophonic  rhythms on an array of pipes, wheels, television sets and a lot more, backdropped  by three pillars featuring coloured rubber balls on the top of them.

Their second song had more of a New Orleans jazz feel as McAllister got the audience moving  and chanting along with them.

Spaceship scultptures at the penny. Photo by Richard AmeryThe Penny building downtown is going to be a regular gallery for University of Lethbridge professors and students. They held their first big opening, March 5 which drew a good sized crowd. 

There were a variety of works from a sauna which incorporated a video display. Other  works included  paintings, photographs, a video of a fully dressed man  sitting in a ice- cold tup of water, spaceship sculptures made of found items, drawings and several other sculptures.

— by Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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