SAAG has a new scent and exhibit

SAAG has a scent thanks to  San Diego performance artist Brian Goeltzenleuchter.
 After an intense week of interviews and tests on Southern Alberta Art Gallery staff, Jeanne Gillis Kollee and Rick Gillis take a whiff of SAAG’s new scent. Photo by Richard Ameryboard members and patrons, Goeltzenleuchter introduced approximately 50 people at the Gallery to the new scent via a special power point presentation, May 1. It was accompanied by a lecture about the importance of wellness as well a a lot of dark humour
 He also spoke of the new ‘Wellness Centre’ which will be in the foyer of the Gallery until June 20. it  will include stations for sonic massage, ultraviolet blue light treatment as well as a booth where you can smell the scent.
“I could totally describe it for you but I’d rather not because it’s very subjective,” said Goeltzenleuchter after his presentation which ended in an intense discussion of  how smell is the sense which people know the least about and how it impacts the brain, not to mention covered a variety of different artistic topics.
“This scent is unique. It’s much more layered than the other ones I’ve created. The textures are beautiful. There’s a strong smell to begin with  but then you get to a smell that is very pleasurable,”  he continued adding smell is a good way for people to get to know the SAAG on a whole different level.
While I thought the smell was a combination of flowers and ozone, others came up with aloe, others thought it was a ‘cool’ smell that was reminiscent of  the outside — trees and leaves.
Another person even thought is smelled like watermelon Jolly Ranchers. Goeltzenleuchter said the scent was for sale in the SAAG Gift shop for the ‘low,low price of $20 for a six ounce bottle.’
— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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