Amy Bronson matures with Grizzy Bear Heart

Lethbridge born musician Amy Bronson came back home in between travels to visit her family and friends and, oh yes, record a new CD this summer.
She recorded her second CD “couer d’ours grizzli Grizzly Bear Heart” with Jesse Northey.Click here to hear Amy Bronson
 Her lyrics aren’t quite as quirky as “I’m Allergic to this Deodorant,” and there isn’t as much fancy guitar playing, instead, we have a much more mature and reserved effort which really highlight her strong voice.
 She experiments with  French techno music on the French sung track “coeur d’ours grizzli. ” the English equivalent, “Grizzly Bear Heart” is  a more straight ahead  folk rock number on which she has plugged in an electric guitar.
“Canada” is one of the more stream of consciousness powered feminist themed number which reminds me a lot of her last CD.
“Manners” is my favourite track on the CD as it is an upbeat, catchy electrified country rocker which reminds me of Shaela Miller.
 The others are decidedly more acoustic, appealing songs.
“Noisy Sparrow,” shows off her guitar playing especially in the intro.
— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
CD: couer d’ours grizzli Grizzly Bear Heart
Artist: Amy Bronson
Genre: folk