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Tyrants of Chaos try new material and tributes to New Wave of British Heavy Metal

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 Tyrants of Chaos brought the metal to the Slice, Friday, May 17.


They still had their Tyrant of priest Decal on  Ryan Dyck’s drum kit from the ’80s weekend, a few months ago, so dove into  New Wave of British Heavy Metal  era covers including Iced Earth’s “ Burning Times”  , Anthrax’s “ Evil Bitch”  and of course several  Judas Priest deep cuts “Jawbreaker” and “Painkiller,” before switching to lower tuned guitars for  their originals. 


Erik Wagner  of Tyrants of Chaos playing the Slice, may 17. Photo by Richard Amery

 Frontman Phil Sirias showed his powerful pipes were perfectly suited for playing Priest and music from that era.


Bassist Sean Simpson locked in with drummer Ryan Dyck. Arik Wagner and Curtiss Vaselenak showed off some twin guitar pyrotechnics, harmonized guitar and riffs and Wagner  knocked off some two handed tapping on a newer song he wrote. as part of first two songs of a new trilogy they’re writing.


 They were hitting their stride about the same time the Terminator strobe lights were blinding me on  hot tracks from their most Recent CD “Relentless Thirst For Power,” including a few of my favourites “ Indoctri-Nation,” and crowd favourite “Slay the Hostages” and “Nightmare Machine” and older songs “Chaos Train.”


 I caught the last song of Saskatoon punk rock band 66 Aces. The lead guitarist had a wireless mic and jumping all over the stage playing snarling punk rock music.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 May 2024 13:11 )  
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