Vauxhall out to support Tristan Sketting’s latest Lethbridge show


The Mocha Cabana was packed to the roof with half of Vauxhall, Dec. 9. They were out to support 16-year-old singer/ songwriter Tristan Skretting playing the Mocha Cabana, Dec. 9. Photo by Richard AmeryTristan Skretting, who won the Lethbridge has Talent contest earlier this year.

 She alternated between keyboard and guitar to perform a variety of songs while singing beautifully.

 She  sang  several country  and pop hits by people like Christina Aguilera and  Taylor Swift, as well as  several of her own songs including the one which won the Lethbridge has Talent contest—  “Miracle,” which  she wrote for her brother who has Muscular Dystrophy and who was there as well to support her.

 She also sang a different arrangement of Allanah Myles’ Black Velvet,” then a medley  of a variety of country, pop, and ’80s hits, including  Don’t Stop Believing and American Pie, plus a plethora of others.
 She also sang happy birthday to her dad.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 14 December 2011 12:38 )