CKXU hugs you this week


CKXU is reaching out to the community— literally.
 As a build up to their annual CKXU (88.3 F.M.) show at the Slice, Feb. 11, the University of Lethbridge based community radio station is hosting “hug booths” at Lethbridge College and the University of Lethbridge.Paul Lawton and the Ketamines will be playing CKXU Loves You VI. Photo by Richard Amery

“We’re raising money so we can buy a new hamster to power our transmitter,” deadpanned Matt Valgardson, one of the organizers of the popular  annual Valentines Day themed fundraiser.

CKXU Loves You VI features local bands The Ketamines, Arcanis, Andrew Scott, the Photoshop Jerks and DJ Shane the Librarian, who will be playing a mix of love songs and anti- love songs.

“Arcanis is a metal band, so I can’t wait for them to put  their spin on romantic classics,” said Valgardson.
“I’m also interested in the Photoshop Jerks. I’m hoping for some Adobe related puns.”
There will also be some impressive  door prizes donated by businesses like Sexxy Kitty, Showcase Comics, an $80 gift certificate from Jaded Body Arts and many others. There will be comic books and even a candy bouquet, not to mention a beer basket from Andrew Hilton.

“There will be something for everyone. I’ve been to the event as both a lonely bastard and with a lady by my side,” he said.
“And Shane the Librarian is fantastic. I’m looking forward to seeing what he will play. He brings all of the good things about having a DJ at a party without the douchiness,” he laughed.

 Advance tickets or the show cost $10 in advance from CKXU, Blueprint and possibly Boarderline or $15 at the door.
 Though because this event is usually a sell out, Valgardson encourages people to buy tickets in advance.     
 He is also looking forward to the hugging booths, encouraging people to stop by and say hello to some of the volunteers.
“CKXU is always looking for a way to  reach out to the community. And there will be a luchador at the booths. Because who wouldn’t want to hug a luchador? And there may even be at least one banana costume,” he laughed.

 They will be at Lethbridge College, 10-1 p.m Monday and Tuesday and at the university, from 10 a.m. -2 p.m.  Wednesday and Thursday.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 05 February 2012 22:50 )