Leeroy Stagger and Cowpuncher play hillbilly rock


Leeroy Stagger and his band were killing it at the Slice, March 17 for close to a full house, most of them dancing in front of the stage.Cowpuncher playing hillbilly rock. Photo by Richard Amery
 They were off the hook, playing a supremely tight, hyper-kinetic set marked by Stagger brandishing an amped up Les Paul and leaping all over the stage.

There wasn’t a note out of place during the part of the show I saw. I was blown away — more than usual by him. I wish I’d got there earlier, but these things happen. I had to see how the B.A. Johnston show ended.

 Calgary ‘hillbilly rock band,’  Cowpuncher ( MC George Arsene‘s description) picked up the reins and ran with the energy Stagger and his band brought to the stage. There was a lot of slapping on the stand up bass. You have to appreciate a cat who can do something like that.

 Leeroy Stagger and Matt Robinson. Photo by Richard AmeryThey observed they were fighting a few technical difficulties, but purged them as they dedicated a song to the lead singer’s mother called “Kill All The Artists,” and didn’t let up for a solid hour other than to tell the rowdy crowd to get off the stage “because someone’s going to get hit in the face with a microphone. ”

They almost listened and the band played on and launched into a hot version of  The Rolling Stones’ “Give Me Shelter.”
 They were playing a couple more up tempo originals by the time I had to call it a night around 2 a.m.
 Shuyler Jansen opened the show with an impressive set. I only caught the last couple acoustic songs and one more techno tinged track.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 March 2012 12:57 )