Blackberry Wood worth waiting for


 Blackberry Wood at the Slice, March 28. Photo by Richard Amery Vancouver based jazz/ circus/ rock group Blackberry Wood waited a long time for a crowd that never came to the Slice, March 28. But they killed it anyway for the small but enthusiastic audience who were there with a fun and action filled set of  exciting guitar, a variety of percussion, some fine fiddling and some upbeat saxophone.

There were  a lot of gypsy powered highlights and a lot of new songs including “ This is a Ghost Town.”

Frontman Kris Wood grinned they were going to play a waltz midway through their high energy set, continued to play as fast as possible and got the audience singing along for one.Blackberry Wood at the Slice, March 28. Photo by Richard Amery

 They tore into one of my favourite covers “I Don’t Want to Grow Up  which split the difference between the popular Ramones cover and Tom Waits’ original but ended up sounding like they would not be out of place in the cantina scene from Star Wars.

They had the audience singing along “Hidey ho, hidey, ho” and looked about ready to play until dawn.

— By Richard Amery, L.A Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 April 2012 11:06 )