Electronic music festival has potential for the future


Lethbridge’s first electronic music festival looks like it has a future, if the first event was any indication.The first annual electronic music festival attracted a lot of dancers to Galt Gardens, Aug. 18. Photo by Richard Amery

 I only caught the tail end of the day long event in Galt Gardens, Aug. 18, but it looked like several hundred people were having fun in Galt Gardens.

 Their beer gardens had closed by the time I arrived, but the two stages were still growing strong with hordes of happy people jumping and dancing up a sweat-filled storm to ear-bleeding computerized bleeps and bloops backed by a relentless beat.

I don’t listen to a lot of, or any really, electronic music, but it was resonating with people crowded into the bowl.
 The scene in the main bowl reminded me of the dance club scene from the hit Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley movie ‘Bedazzled.’
People were spinning lighted up rods, a couple of guys jumped up and down in front of the crowd holding up cardboard signs emblazoned with the word “Dance.” The crowd did so.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 August 2012 17:06 )