Darby and Joan Club introduce new CD


A decent sized crowd of approximately 50  took in local Brit-pop style band the Darby and Joan Club’s CD release party at the Slice, May 28.The Darby and Joan Club at their CD release party, May 28. Photo by Richard Amery
 Planet Telex was on the bill with some upbeat original modern rock.

They were in fine form and introduced a couple new songs as well as several from last year’s CD ‘Nova.’
The Darby and Joan Club pretty much played their new CD ‘Everything is Fine,’ all the way through from beginning to end.

As per usual, their music was well crafted upbeat ambient Brit pop in the style of  Radiohead and  Coldplay. They played their new CD all the way through, had some cool vocal harmonies and bassist Silvana Campus also sang  haunting vocals on a few numbers.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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