Lethbridge adds the arts to Alberta Summer Games


When Lethbridge hosts the 2012 Alberta Summer Games, July  26-29, it will not only be a chance to show off our athletic side, but it will also be a Danielle Gurr and Ali DeRegt in Midsummers Night’s Dream. Photo by Richard Amerychance to show off our burgeoning arts and entertainment scene.

 Fortunately there is already a lot going on including a sports related exhibit at the Galt Museum, New West Theatre’s summer production of Bandstand, plus new art exhibits. Lethbridge’s busker community will be out in force at all of the sporting events, and Darcy Logan is planning to take Lethbridge around the world in wine and cheese in conjunction with numerous art exhibits happening during the games.

“It’s an opportunity for the community to celebrate,” said Allied Arts Council executive director Suzanne Lint.

“Rather than reinvent the wheel, we thought we’d promote what we already have going on in Lethbridge,” she continued.

“It will be guerrilla culture with street performers performing outside each venue. We’ll have an art gallery  stroll. And there will be wine and cheese from around the world at each of them,” she enthused.

Something new this year is Shakespeare in the Park.

 Every Thursday and some Friday, a group of Lethbian thespians will be performing Shakespeare’s  comedy “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream,” in Galt Gardens.

 The event will not only introduce visitors to Lethbridge’s arts and culture, but to Lethbridge residents who might not be aware of how much is happening here, or who take it for granted.

“We have a really rich arts scene, so we’re going to provide a comprehensive guide to it to give audiences all the information they need about arts and culture opportunities in Lethbridge,” she continued.


“ Rather than putting on a special event, we’re going to promote what we already have going on and showcase them to visitors to the community and the community itself,” she continued adding there has been some organization involved ensuring there are performers at all of the venues.

Bowman Arts Centre curator Darcy Logan is excited about the Games, because he is taking Lethbridge audiences as well as visitors around the world in wine and cheese, Saturday, July 28.

“We’re helping the Allied Arts Council organize a summer art stroll,” said Logan.

There will be five different venues,  The Bowman Arts Centre, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Burning Ground Studios (beneath the old fire hall,) the Trianon and the tour ends with the Potemkin Art Collective’s  “End of the World” Exhibit at the Dr. Penny Foster building.
 There will be wine and cheese from Australia, Portugal, Argentina, South Africa and  the United States.

“It’s a chance for the people to sample wine from all over the world and plates of fancy cheese. And to expose people who have never been to Lethbridge and engage the community itself,” Logan said adding they are taking advantage of the fact that new exhibitions will already be opening at those venues to combine them all on one massive art stroll.
 There will also be buskers outside each venue.

— by Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
 A version of this story appears in the July 25,2012 edition of the Lethbridge Sun Times