Celebration of pop culture and politics


The University of Lethbridge art gallery ‘popped’ with activity, Jan. 15 during the official opening of Snap, Crackle and Pop which runs until Feb. 26.
Joanne Kaltenbruner and Mary Kavanagh discuss the exhibit. Photo by Richard AmeryChris Moore set up his ‘Cuddle Commando’ recruitment booth right outside of  the gallery hosting the new exhibit, which is a celebration of pop art with a Canadian and sometimes political twist.

The first  thing  catching the viewer’s eye is a half dozen unusual  trailer units set in a variety of  odd and  chaotic situations including an Ent attack, a  trailer island and  a crashing trailer shaped blimp.

The exhibit features  southern Alberta artists Lisa Brawn, Dave and Jenn, Jason Mathis, Len Komanac plus Shanell Papp all have their work prominently  displayed throughout the gallery.

 One wall is dominated by unique and colourful woodcuts  of Canadian pop culture icons including Bob and Doug McKenzie, Don Cherry, and Bubbles from “The Trailer Park Boys.”

Another series of woodcuts portrayed the Fonz, Burt Reynolds, Bruce Springsteen and numerous others lined the east wall. There is a pretty cool   series of personalized Batman drawings along  the south wall.

Other highlights include a pair of sewn skeletons onto a beige cloth, which  are next to a couple Roy Lichtenstein inspired cartoon prints.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor