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L.A. Beat


Hobo poetry with Sonis McAllister

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Sonis McAllister and the Barracuda Orchestra.Sonis McAllister and the Barracuda Orchestra is Lethbridge’s answer to the Polyphonic Spree, which apparently included former members of the popular Dallas band. The orchestra, dressed as turn of the century carnies, laid down a jazzy groove, while McAllister tapped out a rhythm on an old tin pipe and wandered through the crowd with a megaphone reciting his beatnik inspired poetry about carnies turned stockbrokers, hobos and other crazy cats  he has met on the road.

“A few of us were part of the Polyphonic Spree before they made it big,” said Dallas transplant, McAllister adding he was fired by bandleader Tim DeLaughter after being in the collective from 2001-2003.
“We’re the anti-Polyphonic spree,” McAllister said adding he was hoping to push the collective into more spoken word, similar to what he is doing with the Barracuda Orchestra.


Variety of performences help Allied Arts Council celebrate the bridge’s 100th birthday

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The Allied Arts Council is helping Lethbridge  celebrate the 100th anniversary of the high level bridge, Sept. 5 with a diverse line up of local musicians and actors who will help make  the “In the Shadow of the Bridge Festival” a successful festival for families.

“We feel it’s a significant  landmark for the community,” said Allied Arts Council communication co-ordinator Lindsay Meli.

“We wanted to showcase the diversity of the entertainment  and artists that the community has to offer. There‘s something for everyone.”

 The LCI jazz band will kick off  a day full of performances on a stage next to Fort Whoop Up at 10:45 a.m. in the shadow of the bridge. The Blackfoot  Ambassadors are on next at noon. Other performers included the Hungarian Trio, Leon Barr, the Playgoers of Lethbridge’s revamped production of their  stalwart standby, “Priscilla  Pringle’s Predicament or All’s Swell that ends Swell”, (please see separate article) Bridge City Barbershop, Desperate Jester Improv, Dave Renter, The Ammena Dance Company, Leah Sadler, O’Reely, Dave McCann (See separate article,) the Fire Spinners, Hippodrome and Soup of Flies. (Check the listings page for exact times).


Priscilla Pringle to be performed in the Shadow of the Bridge

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Priscilla Pringle just won’t die. But that’s all right with the Playgoers of Lethbridge, the Lethbridge amateur  theatre troupe who have been performing their original half hour melodrama, Priscilla Pringle’s Predicament or All’s Swell that Ends Swell  since 1975,  and at the “In the Shadow of the Bridge Festival,” Sept. 5.
alt“We keep trying to put a stake through her, but  people keep asking for her,” laughed playwright Ed Bayly.
“I wrote it in 1974 and we’ve been doing it ever since. It’s even been done on TV and at Niagara on the Lake,” he continued, adding a member of a troupe in Niagara on the Lake asked if they could perform the production.
“And the next thing I knew I got a royalty cheque from the Ontario government,” he chuckled adding the play is one of the The Playgoers of Lethbridge’s  favourites. 
“It’s all written in alliteration so it’s almost like poetry. The alliteration is probably  the main attraction. We’ll sit down at a barbecue or such and someone will throw out a line from the play and next thing you know we’ll be doing the whole play,” he said adding it will be slightly tweaked to reflect the bridge theme.
“Maybe we’ll tie her to the tracks instead of tying her to the floor,” he mused.

Get ready to laugh at Lethbridge’s first annual comedy festival

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Tony Krolo
When the real world is bringing you down, sometimes you just have to laugh.
With that in mind, HB’s Lounge is starting what they hope will become an annual comedy festival featuring three comics a night throughout the week, Aug. 25-29.
“We like to try new things and thought a  comedy festival would  be a great addition to Lethbridge,” said  Nick Michalenko, HBs assistant manger and  lounge manager, adding all of the comedians performing perform with Yuk Yuks across Canada.
The first night, Aug. 25 features Tony Krolo, who is best known as a recurring mall cop character on the Disney TV show  “ Naturally Sadie.” He is also a regular on the Jon Dore Television show and has been in all three Santa Clause movies as  a clumsy cop. Also  on opening night are magician Donovon Deschner and Dana Alexander.
 The next night features Comedy at Club 54 veteran Stan Thomson, So You think Your Funny’s Karen O’Keefe and impersonator Mark Walker.

New West celebrates with style

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New West Theatre is  celebrating their twentieth anniversary in style with their new production “Celebration,” which runs until Aug. 29 at the Yates Theatre.
Jocelyn Haub and  Grahame Renyk. Photo By Richard Amery
It is a blast, an uptempo, a little bit raunchy but still family friendly  production full of classic songs, fabulous singing, and some gut-busting hilarious comedy bits. The sow features guys dressed as girls, guys dressed as cows and even featured performer Erica Hunt taking a turn on the drum kit.
 They get bonus points for performing  two songs by Ontario comedy troupe the Arrogant Worms — “I am Cow” which featured Grahame Renyk dressed as the cow and not liking the idea of being milked and a hillbilly version of the Worms” classic  “Happy Birthday” song.
But the show started with a grandiose version of Kool and the Gang’s “Celebration” which saw the cast going on stage through the crowd which was full of  people who came to the show from as far away as England and China. One of the guests ended up on stage doing sound effects during  a well done take -off on classic radio plays.
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