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The Answers are in the Mysteries: Horoscopes for Monday, Nov. 26 to Monday, Dec. 3

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If you know your astrology and are aware of your Sun Sign, your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign, also called the Ascendant, please read the Scopes for the Signs of all three; The Moon being especially important for those born in the evening or at night, likewise the Sun for those of you born at dawn or during the day.
For questions about how to determine your Sun, Moon or Rising sign, Tarot readings or for private private consultations, questions or comments on accuracy, e-mail me, Iris E.: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

March 21-23 to April 20-23
You've got mystery on your side, though hard-headedness comes even more naturally to you right now than it usually does. It's not that you're anal, just that you're hellbent. When you begin strategizing, try including a bit of compassion for others this time around. It will be a challenge for you in the upcoming month. (Trust me, I'm from Pluto.)

April 21 - 23 to May 20- 23
As intense as times have been, you'll be feeling a swift resurgence of personal power, provided you have the ability to suffer through the initial pangs of becoming adaptable. The recommendation to still keep your nose to the ground stone cannot be emphasized enough. Should you let yourself submit to that, you will find yourself most easily immersed.

May 21-23 to June 20-23
Mercury has stationed direct again, handing the backwards walking theme back over to Michael Jackson, up in Heaven. This means that communications will become more direct once again and less disarray can be expected. Your thoughts will be feeling gathered, once more, and all in its rightful place.

June 21-23 to July 20-23
Times for you, right now, may be fairly decent, full-throttle with self-exuding confidence, flare and perhaps even a dash of inconsistency, though we're all guilty of that. There's a Lunar eclipse on Tuesday which puts the focus on your long-term head space, more so than your living space, career or anything else.

July 21-23 to Aug. 20-23
You've been experiencing a mental clarify, by way of intuition in the areas of what to say and what not to say. Be daring, like the Sphinx! And know when not to dare. You’re feeling particularly philosophical and more than a little bit whimsical in your contemplations about life, lately, so work with this.

Aug. 21-24 to Sept. 21-23
Mercury stations direct from its retrograde at the beginning of this week. As a result, you might find yourself actually feeling comfortable again. There's been a creeping up your back for quite some time and you haven't been able to put your finger on it. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone.

Sept. 21-23 to Oct. 21-23
Still feeling slightly hot headed, there's an air of distinct mystery about you, in how you're able to 'smell' the world around you, right now. Just how ARE you doing that? Some senses are stronger than others and perhaps you ought to follow to wherever your nose is leading.

Oct. 21-23 to Nov. 21- 23
The Sun is no longer in your sign, taking away your super-hero action powers for now. You've still got your uncanny ability to carry others, like a pack horse, and read their thoughts, though, so long as you can temper your own stubborn self. Best of luck with that!

Nov. 20-23 to Dec. 20-23
You're still seeing double, with your head spinning around so fast it must be hard to keep up. I feel for you, I really do. Try to focus in on the verbosity of philosophical simplification. If you're going to make long, drawn out speeches, they may as well illustrate a complex point that's really very simple, at its core... But say, can you skip the speech part?

Dec. 20-23 to Jan. 18-21
You're still most likely taking life quite seriously, though lately, a sense of intrigue, and interest, pervasive sexuality, and even angry passion have seized you, haven't they? Be aware you are feeling what it's like to zone in on the zone. Focus. Be still. And act with caution.

Jan. 18-21 to Feb. 18- 21
You're certainly centred on your very own Selfness, lately. This is not to call you selfish, heavens no! You're probably one of the more selfless people that you know. Take a good long look at your personal path, goals and foundations. Plan them out if you have to, as its a favourable time to be plotting out your baby steps. Embrace your true nature, and consider every one involved, when considering the grand scheme of things.

Feb. 18-21 to March 18- 21
With Neptune in your sign, you've most likely been feeling deep as an ocean, blue like a whale, and poetic as a waxing moon ... This is a time for getting it all out on paper in the form of art or as something solid. Whatever you're thinking or feeling, be sure to stay strong as your vulnerabilities are surely being tested.

For questions about how to determine your Sun, Moon or Rising sign, Tarot readings or for private private consultations, questions or comments on accuracy, e-mail me, Iris E.: i This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 — Horoscopes by Iris E. (Becky Johnston) special to L.A. Beat.


In The House

Sun in Taurus
28 degree(s)
Moon in Aries
23 degree(s)
New Moon
New Moon
27 day(s) old
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