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L.A. Beat

Horoscopes for the week of Monday, Dec. 17 to Monday, Dec. 24, 2012

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If you know your astrology and are aware of your Sun Sign, your Moon Sign and your Rising Sign, also called the Ascendant, please read the Scopes for the Signs of all three; The Moon being especially important for those born in the evening or at night, likewise the Sun for those of you born at dawn or during the day.
For questions about how to determine your Sun, Moon or Rising sign, Tarot readings or for private private consultations, questions or comments on accuracy, e-mail me, Iris E.: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

March 21-23 to April 20-23

You've got a boost of illumination on your side and not necessarily of the regular day-time type, but of a more subconscious, Lunar nature. You'll be feeling socially compelled, but with a bit of an edge about you. Knowing this simple fact consciously, you may choose to either take the edge off, or work with it.

April 21-23 to May 20-23

Philosophy is the name, creativity will be the game in the upcoming week. Through the apocalypse, you'll be feeling very spontaneously geared, and quite dreamy. This is an excellent time to 'go with your gut', whereas you well know, not all times are.

May 21-23 to June 20-23

Why so serious? Exactly! You know what I'm talking about. You like to have fun, so just admit it, and go play without any reservation. This doesn't mean I'm promoting excess, merely indulgence in your own confidence and limit, or imitationlessness. Enjoy. Just have fun.

June 21-23 to July 20-23

Your attention span shifts from a any preoccupation with acquaintances and humanity in general to either family, or some very personal root issues, if you will. Near the end of the week, a matter of possessions may come into your awareness, possibly even where this is concerned.

July 21-23 to Aug. 20-23

Your planet, or star, the Sun moves from outwardly contemplative Sagittarius to assertive, and forthright Capricorn. Be prepared for a week of feeling a little socially distanced from most people. Sometimes awareness is all that's required to turn things around. And sometimes that won't do it.

Aug. 21-24 to Sept. 21-23

You may find yourself the chatty Cathy, saying things that are likely out of the ordinary and feeling quite comfortable with that. This may be a regular routine for you, but look for the reactions of others this week as the tone becomes a little more serious in your relationships.

Sept. 21-23 to Oct. 21- 23

Impetuousness will serve you this upcoming week as you bounce from one thing to another, however off you may feel about yourself. It's still a rather social time for you, and most, being with the season though you'll actually be more inclined toward it than others.

Oct. 21-23 to Nov. 21-23

In a very me, me, me sort of place, you find yourself quite concerned with the making sure that ends are being met. You are managing your investments well enough, but the chores never quite seem to end. There is always work to be done! So, get to it. And don't be afraid to make speculations, as they beget ideas.
Nov. 20-23 to Dec. 20-23

In the zone! It's yah birthday! But not for long, as all Sagittarians will have soon been declared one year older. Accordingly for Christmas and this celebration, you'll be very social, with your tenacity really showing. In general, you’ll definitely be feeling a noticeable wind down in lifeby the weekend.

Dec. 20-23 to Jan. 18-21

It seems as if you are only able to think about yourself and vehemently so. This may not be true for all Capricorns, but consider for a moment that you may simply be being too selfish to see a perspective outside of your own. No? Try harder. Still no? Now is a good time to do some volunteer work.

Jan. 18-21 to Feb. 18- 21

There seem to be a lot of mysterious things hanging around you lately. Or more, you hanging around them! Either way, you're attracted to the zany and insany, in your membrany. You'll be seeing a stranger, more unique side to individuals this coming week.

Feb. 18-21 to March 18- 21

The enchantment of the day will be swimming in the mires and coccooning in the bogs of your own mind. Never be afraid to take sanctuary within, where the waters are deep, placid and familiar. The Pisces character often requires retreat and solitude in order to recentre and focus.

For questions about how to determine your Sun, Moon or Rising sign, Tarot readings or for private private consultations, questions or comments on accuracy, e-mail me, Iris E.: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

—  By Iris E. (Becky Johnston) special to L.A. Beat


In The House

Sun in Taurus
28 degree(s)
Moon in Aries
23 degree(s)
New Moon
New Moon
27 day(s) old
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